
When viewing the instructions refer to the image above

Note: Links in this page open a new window, to get bask to the instructions close the new window

Section 1 Green

Step 1: If you have registered a domain name enter it in the Domain name portion. Followed by clicking on the middle " -Transfer existing domain" button. The transfer button will only work on domains registered with network solutions. If you registered with another supplier you must contact them for their transfer procedures.

Step 2: If you have not registered a domain name you may do so by typing the domain name you want in the domain name portion of the form followed by clicking the first radio button "- New Domain Registration" The cost for a domain registration with this method is $35us per year billed to you by network solutions. Be sure that you have checked the availability of your domain at Or register with for $20us by clicking Register with If you registered you domain with click the third radio button "-Don't register me (I will handle my Domain Registration)"

Section 2 Light Blue

Step 1: If you went with to register your domain for $20us then leave this portion as it is.

Step 2: If you went with Network Solutions as you domain registrars in section 1, in this section you decide how long you want to register your domain with them. Keep in mind you will be billed $35us per year

Section 3 Red

Leave this portion blank

Section 4 Dark Blue

Step 1 Choose a user name. Pick any name you like
Step 2 choose you package, to view the packages click
View Packages
step 3 use the comments portion to tell us where you heard about us.